Elyse had a good week, and continues to make progress. Her trial off the NG tube last weekend was good, but not great, and so she is still using it for now. The good news is that her oral feeding is getting better everyday, and she has recently taken up to half of her feed by bottle, before finishing it through the NG tube.
Ever since she was extubated, we had noticed she was more hoarse and wheezy than usual. We had a consult with an ENT (ear, nose, and throat specialist), who found a granuloma (like a small bump or lesion) near her vocal cords, caused by irritation from the intubation. She was put on an inhalable steroid for one week, and we have already noticed a reduction in her noisy breathing.
The highlight of the week was getting approved to take her home on a day pass over the weekend. She was able to leave each day after her 9am assessment and medications, and would return for her 9pm ones. Needless to say, after 5 weeks in the hospital (and 3 weeks of staying round-the-clock), it was wonderful to all be under the same roof again, even just for a few hours.
Emmett was overjoyed to see his sister, and would pull up a chair during her feeding sessions to keep her company. He even let her use his favourite bunnies during her nap -- now that's love! ❤️ Now it's just a matter of tying up all the final loose ends and follow-up appointments, and hopefully it's just a matter of time before we are home for good!
lots of catching up to do
not going to let her go anytime soon!
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