Sunday 4 May 2014

Wait, wait... and wait some more

Elyse had her follow up X-ray this morning, and the results came back inconclusive.  The overall picture is looking better, but there are a few areas of the bowel that the doctors can't agree on looking better or worse.  It sounds like they are all going to sit down tomorrow to discuss her case and plan the next course of action.  The good news (which the doctors keep reminding us of) is that she looks great and is not acting like a sick baby at all, so that is positive.  I just hate feeling like we are stuck in limbo -- let's make a decision one way or the other and move on.

all tucked in for the night
We had lots of nice visits over the weekend, including one from Emmett.  He was happy to see her out of the isolette but just kept wanting to pet her face.  We settled on stroking her blanket instead, and that seemed to be a good compromise.  I'm really looking forward to watching him interact with her at home -- he's going to be a great big brother.
so sweet

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