Wednesday 7 May 2014

Fingers crossed

It has been a quiet week so far.  The doctors ended up extending Elyse's antibiotics and bowel rest to 10 days, which is finally finished as of tonight.  The plan is for one more X-ray tomorrow morning and then resuming her feeds.  She will start with a small amount of fresh breast milk, and increase the volume slowly -- in fact, it sounds like it might take upwards of 7 to 10 days before she will reach full feeds again.  But I can understand why they want to take it slow and make sure she is tolerating both the milk and the volume.  Since she will still be supplemented with TPN, her PICC line will unfortunately need stay in for a little while longer -- but at least we will finally be moving forward again.  Fingers crossed this is the last bump in the road!
Did someone say food?  That's what I thought!

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