Tuesday, 18 March 2014

The kilo club

I had a great visit with a fellow preemie mom yesterday, who has started a support group for parents of premature babies here in Ottawa.  It has been such a blessing to make connections with other parents who have been down (or currently going down) the same road.  I was also able to help her deliver a load of care packages to other families in the NICU at CHEO -- great work Nicole!   

In Elyse news, she hit a big milestone yesterday -- weighing in at 1000g!  Way to go little girl.  She also had a visit from her Nana and Papa Burd. 

Nana and Papa Burd having a visit
She was being very cute for her evening care, bright eyed and trying to chew on her IV tube.  I think she's figuring out when it's time to eat.
nom nom nom
Unfortunately we have had another set back today.  She didn't tolerate her milk very well this morning and her stomach was quite bloated.  While this can just be a preemie thing, it can also be an early sign of Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC), a very serious infection and inflammation of the intestine.  Her initial x-ray looked ok (no sign of NEC), and they will be repeating it every 12 hours to monitor any changes.  In the meantime, they have discontinued her milk feedings and implemented nasogastric drainage (removal of air and fluids from her stomach) to give her system a chance to rest and heal.  Hoping and praying that is enough to help her recover, and that it doesn't develop into something more serious.


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