Yesterday was one of the good days -- blissfully boring, as I like to call it. Elyse was calm and quiet, tolerated her newly-fortified milk well and barely had any brady spells. We were even able to have a wonderful 2-hour cuddle (our longest kangaroo care yet). For someone who is constantly multitasking, it has been a big adjustment for me to just sit and be still for any length of time. But I have started to really cherish our peaceful afternoons together -- no phone, no television, no distractions. Just holding my little girl and admiring ten tiny little fingers and a perfect button nose... my little escape from the busyness of the outside world.
11 days old
Still riding the high of our great day yesterday, I was caught off guard by another call from the hospital this morning. Elyse wasn't being herself -- extra sleepy, not as active, and started having apnea spells on top of the bradys. They thought she might be developing an infection.
We had been warned that infections are often par for the course for preemies, but that doesn't make it any easier when it happens to your baby. The doctors took samples of blood, urine and spinal fluid to culture, and started her on antibiotics as a precaution. They also put her back on the CPAP machine, to give her lungs a rest and help conserve her energy. By the time I arrived, she was stable and resting comfortably. The nurses said she looked better already, so that was a little more reassuring. It will be at least 24-48 hours before we get any results from the cultures, but please keep the prayers and positive thoughts coming her way. And we will wait out the set back until this ride decides to take it's next upward turn... hopefully sooner than later.
a few personal touches for her isolette
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