Thursday 30 October 2014

Two weeks in ICU

Today marks two weeks since Elyse was moved to the ICU, and it feels like we are slowly making progress. The nitric oxide was discontinued on Tuesday, and Elyse tolerated it very well.  Yesterday they decided to try switching her back on the conventional ventilator, and that transition went well too.  The next few days should involve slowly weaning down the ventilation pressure until she is doing most of the work on her own, and ready to extubate.  On rounds today they were aiming for Saturday, but we all know a lot can change between now and then.

it takes a village...
Another thing that they are starting to wean off are some of the drugs that have been keeping Elyse sedated (Fentanyl, Ketamine and Medazepam, to name a few).  Unfortunately, because she has been on some pretty potent narcotics for an extended period of time, she runs a high risk of going through withdrawal from them.  The doctors have started her on a new drug (clonidine) which will help to ease some of the withdrawal symptoms, but it may be another long road to navigate.  We will just take it one day (and one challenge) at a time.

little friends keeping watch

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