Monday 7 April 2014

Weekend update

I am happy to report that Elyse has been doing great these last few days -- her stats have been nice and stable, with only a couple brady episodes all weekend (all of which were self-resolving).  The results of her second blood culture came back negative for yeast, but just in case there are still any lingering cells the doctors are going to keep her on the Fluconazole for a little while longer.  The good news is that they have switched from an intravenous formula to an oral one, meaning she no longer needs an IV line -- hooray!  She is weighing in at 1450g (or 3lbs 3oz), and her feeds are up to 29ml of fortified milk every 3 hours.

Matt and I ended up heading down for a quick trip to Toronto over the weekend -- Matt went to the Blue Jays game and I was able to have a couple great visits with some girlfriends.  It was only one night away, but I think it was just what we needed.  I am definitely feeling refreshed, and ready to take on whatever the next few weeks might bring -- although really hoping it's going to be smooth sailing from here.

getting ready for Easter

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